Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal
Feliz Natal - 2020


Censos 2021 - Final Results

Publication cover  
Household Budget Survey - 2022 / 2023
In this publication – Household Expenditure Survey 2022/2023 – Statistics Portugal presents the statistical results regarding the expenditure structure of households living in Portugal. This is the most recent edition of the series of surveys on household budgets, which began in ...

Issue year: 2024

Publication cover  
Fishery Statistics - 2023
The Fishery Statistics compendium, for the reference year 2023, is organized in nine chapters, each one including a brief analysis of results and the data tables. This publication joins the Fisherman’s national day - May 31th, providing an overview of the fisheries in Portugal, as well as for ...

Issue year: 2024