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19.06.2024 Press release

Deficit procedure decision a recipe for disaster

The European Commission today announced that it is opening a ‘Excessive Deficit Procedure’ for Belgium, France, Italy, Hungary, Malta, Poland and Slovakia. Reacting to the announcement, ETUC General Secretary Esther Lynch said:

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21.06.2024 Document

ETUC letter of support to Springer Nature strike

Esther Lynch sent a letter to the National Union of Journalists General Secretary to express support for the ongoing strike of Springer Nature workers.  I am writing to express the ETUC’s solidarity with the striking journalists at Springer Nature and their union, the National Union of Journalists. 
23.05.2024 Document

Voting for Europe: Securing a bright future, together

At time of geopolitical crisis, it is even more important to support and strengthen European democracy. This is why the European social partners – ETUC, BusinessEurope, SGI Europe and SMEunited – are calling on those who are eligible to vote in the upcoming European elections to make their voices heard.  As representatives of trade unions and employers across Europe, we are united in our belief that participation in these elections is not just about electing policymakers; it is about securing a bright future for all and addressing the key challenges of our time. 
17.05.2024 Document

Urgent need to support just transition ambition in Environment Council Conclusions

Dear Environment and Labour Ministers, In conjunction with the European Trade Union Confederation, we, the undersigned, serving as Presidents and General Secretaries of Trade Unions from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), are compelled to underscore the importance of safeguarding just transition initiatives deliberated within the Environment Council Conclusions.
See what happened at the latest Congress